In Media Res- Resistance Narratives
Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:52:18 +0000
Name: Ashley P. Jones
Email: [log in to unmask]
Category: Announcements and Queries
Subject Line: In Media Res – Resistance Narratives
This week's In Media Res theme focus is Resistance Narratives (1/22/18-1/26/18)
Here is the lineup:<>
Monday, January 22, 2018 – David Safin (Saint Vincent College) presents: #PamToo
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 – Sharon Lauricella (UOIT) presents: “Feminism is for Everybody”: Atwood and Moss on the Handmaid’s Tale
Wednesday, January 24, 2018 – Jeffrey Greene (Kennesaw State University) presents: Blazkowicz vs. the Alt Right: Wolfenstein II as Resistance Narrative
Thursday, January 25, 2018 – Spring Duvall (Salem College) presents: Celebrity Resistance to #MeToo and #TimesUp
Friday, January 26, 2018 – Roberto Ortiz (Independent Scholar) presents: Queer Lantix Web Series
Theme week organized by Daniel Van Jelgerhuis (Georgia State University).
To find links for each day's posts and stay up to date on our latest calls for curators, please be sure to "like" our Facebook page:<>
You can also follow us on Twitter at @MC_IMR.
For more information, please contact In Media Res at [log in to unmask] or email the Associate Editor, Geoffrey D. Henry, at [log in to unmask]
The In Media Res Team
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