CFP: Harold Pinter on Film, Television and Radio
Tue, 23 Jan 2018 12:35:23 +0000
*Pinter on Film, Television and Radio*
A two-day international conference at the University of Reading and the
British Library, 19-20 September 2018
*Call for papers*
Harold Pinter (1930-2008) was an actor, director and writer whose output
over five decades spanned theatre, film, television, radio, poetry, prose
and politics. His writing for radio and television pushed aesthetic
boundaries and his films contributed to the landscape and practices of
post-war British cinema, while his stage plays have been part of the canon
of world theatre since the 1960s. His work has enjoyed a place in the
public imagination from the early 1960s, due to the combined impact of the
successful stage plays The Caretaker and The Homecoming, augmented by the
popular appeal of radio plays and television dramas such as The Lover, The
Collection and A Night Out and by the esteem and box-office success of
early screenplays such as The Servant and The Pumpkin Eater.
Pinter’s work on film, television and radio has received less concentrated
attention than his theatre work, which has been widely discussed, debated
and celebrated internationally. The ‘Pinter on Film, Television and Radio’
conference—the second of three to be held by the AHRC-funded ‘Harold
Pinter: Histories and Legacies’ research project—therefore invites
established scholars and early career researchers from a range of academic
disciplines, together with practitioners and archivists, to come together
to explore all aspects of Pinter’s works for, and on, film, television and
radio. At least one edited collection or journal special issue will be
published from the papers of this two-day conference.
*Possible topics*
The two central questions pursued by the research project concern the
aesthetics that have been connected with Pinter’s work and the impact that
his work has had on the broader palette of British performance histories
since the 1950s. With regard to this conference’s focus on film, television
and radio, possible topics relating to this wider remit may include (but
are not limited to):
• *Production* – Pinter’s understanding, as both writer and
performer, of aesthetic choices in production such as the spatial
possibilities of studio and location
• *Collaborative practice* – Pinter’s work with, for example,
particular directors or producers, and the significance of his networks in
different media contexts
• *Intermediality* – his development of dramatic narratives across
media, and transfers of dramatic conventions from one medium to another
• *Adaptation* – the processes involved in realising work through the
performance aesthetics and signifying systems of different media, such as
Pinter's screenplays adapted from novels
• *Theatricality* – the interconnections between Pinter’s work on
film, television, and radio, on the one hand, and theatre on the other
• *British film cultures* – Pinter’s role in the changing forms of
British national cinema and its international position
• *Screenwriting* – Pinter’s engagement with the specific forms and
conventions of writing for the visual media
• *Acting and performance* – particular performance techniques used
by actors of Pinter drama, and what the recording and mediation of
performances on screen and on radio may tell us
• *Audiences* – audience engagement and response to Pinter’s work
across different media
• *Gender* – Pinter’s film, TV and radio in relation to social
constructions of gender
• *Politics* – how radio and television amplified Pinter’s
contribution to political discourse via his plays and other writings
• *Archives* – the preservation, archiving and accessibility of
Pinter’s work in media forms; the value of paper archives for
historiography of Pinter’s work (e.g. BL’s Harold Pinter Archive; BBC
Written Archives Centre)
• *Audio* – audio traces such as Pinter’s appearances in oral
histories held by the BL’s Theatre Archive Project, and the BL’s audio
record of Pinter’s theatre plays
*Deadline for abstracts*
Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words and a brief biography by
midnight on Friday *16 February 2018* to the three conference organisers
Professor Jonathan Bignell, Dr Billy Smart and Dr Amanda Wrigley via
[log in to unmask]
Papers must be delivered in a maximum of 20 minutes including any extracts
or illustrative material. Proposals for three-speaker panels are also
welcome: please collate the information above into one document and outline
briefly the rationale of the panel.
*Venues: University of Reading and the British Library*
This two-day conference will take place on two sites: day one in Reading,
‘Pinter on Screen’, will focus primarily on Pinter on film and television,
and will be held in Minghella Studios, University of Reading on Wednesday
19 September 2018; the second day, ‘Pinter on Air’, will focus primarily on
Pinter on radio and in audio archives, and will be held in the British
Library in London on Thursday 20 September 2018. Day two will also be open
to the public and it will showcase the Library’s prolific audio and
manuscript holdings on Pinter as part of the BL’s Cultural Events
programme. The two days will be separately bookable. Given the intermedial
nature of Pinter’s work, however, we anticipate a great amount of
correspondence between the topics and discussions of both days, and we are
keen for academic participants to join for the whole conference if
possible. Accommodation will be offered on the University of Reading’s
Whiteknights campus, the location of the conference venue on day one.
Delegates will travel to the British Library for day two independently by
public transport.
This conference is part of series of academic and public events organised
by the inter-institutional research project ‘Harold Pinter: Histories and
Legacies’, a collaboration between the universities of Birmingham, Leeds
and Reading. The project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research
Council and runs from 2017 to 2019. The project will host three
conferences: the inaugural conference, ‘Staging Pinter: Networks,
Collaborators, Legacies’ will take place at the University of Birmingham in
April 2018: for further information see
nts/birmingham-conference-staging-pinter. The ‘Pinter on Film, Television
and Radio’ conference at the University of Reading and the British Library,
September 2018, is the second event; and the third conference will be held
at the University of Leeds in 2019 to mark the conclusion of the project.
* Dr Amanda Wrigley FRHistS*
* Department of Film, Theatre & Television, University of Reading*
*Please note that I work part-time, usually Tuesdays-Thursdays.*
Websites: Pinter project
| UofReading
| academia
| personal
| @amanda_wrigley
Latest book: *Greece on Air: Engagements with Ancient Greece on BBC Radio,
(OUP 2015).
Latest essays: ‘Aeschylus’ *Oresteia *on British Television’, in R. F.
Kennedy (ed.), *Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Aeschylus
*(2017); 'Higher
Education and Public Engagement: OU and BBC Drama Co-productions on BBC2 in
the 1970s'
, *Journal of British Cinema & Television* 14.3 (2017).
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: