News from REFRAME: Opera and the Media of the Future, Testament of Cocteau and more
Wed, 3 Sep 2014 13:34:01 +0000
Dear Colleagues,
REFRAME<>‘s latest round up of open access publications and research website launches is given below and is also online here:
1. Launch of the OPERA AND THE MEDIA OF THE FUTURE<> website
Opera and the Media of the Future<> (OMF) is a new research initiative by The Centre for Research in Opera and Music Theatre<> (CROMT), University of Sussex, to examine the challenges and opportunities of new media technologies for the future of opera. The project will be launched by a two-day event<> hosted by Glyndebourne Opera, <> bringing academics, artists and opera professionals together to examine a wide range of issues from opera cinecasts and webcasts to the use of new media platforms for audience development, marketing and education and the implications of new media for the forms of opera itself. The event will also include the presentation of two specially commissioned mini web operas. These will be published online by REFRAME/OMF<>. Click here for more information about OMF<>:
2. The latest REFRAME Conversations<> project: TESTAMENT OF COCTEAU <>
For its latest video, REFRAME Conversations<> brought together two scholars with a shared interest in the life and work of French writer, artist and filmmaker Jean Cocteau<>:
* JAMES S. WILLIAMS<>, Professor of Modern French Literature and Film at Royal Holloway, University of London, author of two books on Cocteau (Manchester University Press<>, 2006; Reaktion Books<>, 2008), and the audio commentary to theCriterion Collection DVD/Blu Ray disk release<> of Cocteau’s 1950 film Orphée/Orpheus<>.
* ED HUGHES<>, Senior Lecturer in Music at the University of Sussex, and composer of When the Flame Dies<>, a 2013 opera, with libretto by Roger Morris<>, which pays homage to ORPHÉE.
The two discussed their mutual interest in Cocteau’s work and its legacy, with particular reference to Orphée as well as to Hughes and Morris’s operatic reinterpretation of the film. To watch the video please click here<>:
3. New videoblog at MEDIÁTICO<> on Latin American remakes of US television series
MEDIÁTICO<> presented the first episode in its new, occasional, video blog<> series in which scholars and media practitioners reflect on aspects of Latin(o/a) American, Spanish and Portuguese media cultures. This inaugural vlog<> features founding co-editor Juan Ramos<> discussing an aspect of his Media and Cultural Studies PhD research on Latin TV dramas at the University of Sussex, in particular the phenomenon of Latin American remakes of US television series, including Metástasis, the Breaking Bad remake currently airing on US television. To watch the video and read an accompanying text, please click here<>:
4. Study<> of controversial Spanish documentary ROCÍO at MEDIÁTICO<>
This website <> also brought us a brilliantly illustrated and highly informative essay by Rebecca Naughten on ROCÍO (Fernando Ruiz Vergara, 1980), an important Spanish documentary about repression and censorship in the immediate post-Francoist era:
Best wishes
Dr <> <> Catherine Grant<>
REFRAME<> Editor,
Senior Lecturer in Film Studies
School of Media, Film and Music
University of Sussex
Silverstone Building
Falmer BN1 9RG
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
T: +44 1273 678876
Co-editor: [in]Transition<>: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies - a Cinema Journal<>/MediaCommons<> Project
Editor: Film Studies For Free<>
Guest Editor: Frames, Issue 1, July 2012: Film and Moving Image Studies Re-Born Digital?<>
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