JPFT web page address
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:35:07 -0400
Hello, all. If you were among the people who expressed interest in
writing book reviews for the _Journal of Popular Film and Television_
only to discover that the URL I gave for the journal didn't work, please
be aware that Heldref, the foundation that publishes the _JPFT_, has
changed many of its URLs in the past few days. Here is the new and
regrettably more cumbersome address for the journal:
Please update your links. Thanks!
Marty Norden
Book review editor, _Journal of Popular Film and Television_.
P.S. Without wishing to dampen anyone's enthusiasm for writing book
reviews, I would like to note here that my "pool" of potential reviewers
now consists of more than 200 people in about 15 countries! I am truly
pleased and overwhelmed by the response. My thanks to everyone who
Martin F. Norden
OO Dept. of Communication, Box 34815 [log in to unmask]
[_]<| University of Massachusetts-Amherst fax: 413 545-6399
/|\ Amherst, MA 01003-4815 USA vox: 413 545-0598, 545-1311
home page:
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.