Final Ten Days! CFP: Film & History, All Areas! (7/1/13; 11/20-24/13)
Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:26:18 -0400
All Areas 2013 Film & History Conference on Making Movie$: The Figure of Money On and Off the Screen November 20-24, 2013 Madison Concourse Hotel (Madison, WI) DEADLINE for abstracts: July 1, 2013
Time is running out to submit your abstract for consideration for our November conference! A full listing of areas -- with topics including genre films, special effects, production and distribution, transnationalism, sports, and sex on screen -- appears on our website <>.
Keynote speaker: We are honored to have film theorist and film historian David Bordwell join us as our keynote speaker.
Whether on or off screen, money is more than an image or a transaction; it is a set of assumptions—usually powerful, often hidden. It figures in almost everything that happens with a film, from the internal narrative world to the external systems of production, distribution, consumption, and appropriation. Money pushes and pulls on writers, directors, actors, and audiences. It defines characters, storylines, set designs, whole genres. More deeply than in almost any other artistic medium, money makes movies.
How does money—as material, metaphorical, or heuristical figure—shape the creation, circulation, and reception of moving-image media? What structural or thematic role does it play in romantic comedies or science fiction adventures or documentaries? When Harry meets Sally or Elizabeth meets Darcy, how does money determine the cinematic logic of love? How do assumptions about money influence the spiritualism in Star Wars or the ethics in The Graduate or the style of The History Channel? As money is mediated through film, how does it create or contest our perceptions of sex, of ethnicity, of personhood, of labor and family, of religion or education or technology? When is money disguised by the film medium, and when is it advertised? Why does money sometimes fail—as image, as means, as principle—and for whom?
The 2013 Film & History Conference will explore the figure of money in film, television, and the other moving-image arts. Our annual conference will be held at The Madison Concourse Hotel (in the heart of downtown Madison, WI, next to the historic Capitol), November 20-24, 2013. Attendees will receive specially-discounted room rates for this premier hotel. Travel to Madison may be arranged conveniently through the international airports at Madison, Milwaukee, or Chicago.
Deadline for Proposals from Panelists (single presenters): July 1, 2013.
Proposals for complete panels (three related presentations) are also welcome, but they must include an abstract and contact information, including an e-mail address, for each presenter. For updates and registration information about the upcoming meeting, see the Film & History website (
Send your proposal (~200 words) to the appropriate area chair, or to [log in to unmask] by the deadline above for full consideration.
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