[SUSPECTED SPAM] IAMHIST Membership Flash Sale
Mon, 6 Jan 2020 09:23:40 +0000
IAMHIST Membership Flash Sale! (Expires 15 January 2020)
To celebrate the new decade, IAMHIST is holding a flash sale on individual memberships for 2020! From now until midnight of January 15, all new and renewing individual memberships will cost just $25 USD [Please note that Institutional ($100) and life ($500) memberships are exempt from this sale].
All sale memberships will include print copies and online access to our journal, the Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television, as well as full member benefits, including access to the IAMHIST members area on our website. As a IAMHIST member, you are entitled to receive a discount on a one-year personal print subscription to the journal Early Popular Visual Culture at a reduced price of USD$61/£37/€52 (normally USD$130/£102/€115).
On January 16, individual membership fees will return to their standard $40 for students, $50 for professionals.
It's easy to renew via our payment link: https://www.paypal.me/IAMHIST<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.me%2FIAMHIST%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR30ZcrrXYSmq0S364-hathggsLa7y1jknUFCd7SX7_bdFm9qL-jRzlBjfg&h=AT2EJn8W-gQ06yJifXBSLcEMUd1GVO2tGcY_TWVz-jU56gbqvddOIkn5AgWODeg4z2H4P8KMHp-CX5OmODMiZBGYE8MxCb9iRdY_EhMT7CJTjSgiYT0Abz8QXeEKeY1uqwuFc91fn50q1yUkpLI>. All you need to do is click this link (or paste it into your browser), enter your payment amount, and click "Next."
Best wishes,
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