Re: AFI Disaster and the End of Film
Tue, 8 Sep 1998 17:28:39 -0500
Re Chris Horak & Universal
Yes Universal is doing a great job at making new prints which is LONG OVERDUE.
The problem is that as of know there is very little trickle down on these
titles. Many like PHANTOM LADY remain totally unavailable in 16mm ( yes I
know Chris thinks this is hopeless but believe people DO WANT 16mm and a
print is only aboug $500 in fact I know for a fact that the last print
SWANK had was "destroyed" even though there was nothing wrong with it. Also
these prints are going in packages to a great but relatively small group of
users. As far as I know there is still no way for a college or musuem to
book any of these new prints when the tours end especially because if
Universal permit bookings, they would have to go through the moronic
Please don't misunderstand, I am very grateful that Universal is making
these prints I just want these titles to be available morre widely. I still
think we are moving towards an era where only a very select group of
institutions has access to film prints.
The ever pessimistic
Jessica Rosner
Kino International Corporation
333 W. 39th St. Suite 503
New York, NY 10018
fax: (212)714-0871
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.