Fri, 10 May 91 22:27:16 CDT
On Thu, 9 May 91 19:17:30 EDT George Mitchell said:
>Re: Screen-l archives
>There is no question in my mind that that a screen-l archive could
>provide a highly useful extension to the list. Some of the areas
>that might be archived (beyond what Jeremy metioned):
>-information on how to use the Screen-l system
Thanks for the suggestions, George.
Our LISTSERV (the software that runs SCREEN-L) already has a few files
that explain the arcane workings of LISTSERVs in general. These text
(ascii) files can be "ordered" from just about any LISTSERV -- but if
you don't know if your mainframe HAS a LISTSERV, you can get them from
UA1VM (UA1VM.UA.EDU, for Internet). Here's what you do:
Send e-mail (or use TELL or SEND) to send mail to LISTSERV@UA1VM
([log in to unmask], for Internet). In the first line of the text of
the message (not in the header or the subject line), put the following
LISTSERV MEMO is the name of a text file that is a general introduction
to LISTSERV. It explains how the whole system works and would be the best
file to start with. Other files which
may be of interest and can be obtained in the same fashion are:
LISTPRES MEMO--a presentation of LISTSERV, an overview of the whole system.
LISTSERV REFCARD--a short reference card of the commands used to do stuff
on a LISTSERV. It's for users, not owners, of lists.
LISTDB MEMO--an introduction to the LISTSERV database operation,
explaining how to search archives such as SCREEN-L's to find just what
you want. It does recommend, however, that you get ahold of the LDBASE
interface to facilitate this. You may need to contact your computer
system operator to find out if you can support this.
LISTFILE MEMO--an explanation of how LISTSERV's fileserver works. This
is a component of LISTSERV that SCREEN-L has not really taken advantage
of and would be how text files could be made available to users.
Note that these file names do not have periods between the two words, as
do DOS filenames.
A squash blossom dies, I feel withered as if a
--A.R. Ammons
| | Bitnet : JBUTLER@UA1VM |
| Jeremy G. Butler - - - - - - - - - - | Internet : [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L coordinator | GEnie : J.BUTLER27 |
| |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |