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November 1995, Week 2


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 08:52:19 CST
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Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender:       Film/Video Web sites discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Poster:       Tony Deifell <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Job Opening-- please pass on or post. Thx
For some of you with years and years of experience, the salary is probably a
little low--but we are a non-profit and the salary level was set be many
converging interests.
Thanks for your help.
Tony Deifell, Executive Producer
[log in to unmask]
Job Announcement Full-time position
Deadline: Wednesday, Nov. 15th by 5:00pm
deadline will be extended if no qualified applicants apply
Compensation: $26 - $30,000/year, full-time
Starting date: Dec. 1, 1995 through Jan. 1, 1996
The -ism (n.) Project
College Students: Diversity & Community
Title: -ism (n.) Project Manager
Project Description:
 -ism (n.) is a national video-documentary and education project that has
been developed with grants from the Ford Foundation and the Lotus Development
Corp. The -ism (n.) project will change students' attitudes, strengthen
teaching, create constructive public dialogue, and build better student
relations in this time of heightened tension around diversity and affirmative
 With guidance from experienced video artists, young people on college
campuses will document diversity issues from their own point of view through
personal story-telling. In the spirit of the successful PBS series, "P.O.V.",
-ism (n.) will offer constructive and compelling stories about the tough issues
of racism, sexism, classism and other "-isms " we face in our ever-diversifying
 -ism (n.) will incorporate the video documentary process into college
classes on eleven campuses across the country during spring semester 1996
including California State Univ., Community College of Denver, Dartmouth,
Loyola Univ., North Carolina Central University, Pitzer College, Southwest
Texas State Univ., Tulane Univ., Univ. of Maryland College Park, Univ. of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Univ. of Utah.
 But the -ism (n.) project is more than a media project. It is an educational
program that uses video as a tool to explore diversity. In a classroom
setting-taught collaboratively by a faculty member, group facilitator, and
video artist-students will integrate their video documentary work into
humanities subjects such as cultural studies, anthropology, history,
religion, literature, political science, and media studies.
 After each of the 250 students nationwide produce individual video diaries,
they will then form groups of three to collaborate on a common video
documentary. This process of making a video together will be an experiential
exercise in dealing with diversity, as students negotiate their differences
and work together to craft a message.
 Ultimately, -ism (n.) will broadcast diversity videos on local media
outlets; build a local and national public-information campaign that
diversity is valuable for individuals, institutions, and society as a whole;
create local community educational activities; use the videos in campus
diversity forums; and create a national media broadcast about college
students and their role in the future of diversity in the United States.
Organizational Affiliation:
-ism (n.) is a program of the Institute for Public Media Arts, a community
arts & educational organization that addresses issues of personal identity,
public education, community change, and the power of representation through
media arts.  The IPMA is a project of the Community Youth Cooperative Inc.
* supervise the 1) Educational, 2) Community Educational Activity 3) Local
Media Broadcasts, and 4) Evaluation components (call for more information on
these components), including all site-based management and communications
* assist in developing and implementing the 1) National Broadcast and 2)
Communications components
* manage volunteers, interns and part-time staff related to the project, and
coordinate the core staff communications and strategizing
* assist with fundraising & sponsorship
* conduct recruitment and selection for a second class of schools for Fall
We are looking for applicants who:
* are familiar with current issues in film & video documentary, use of media
in education, and diversity issues and dialogues surrounding it
* balance the value of the educational process of using video with the value
of the video as a product for broadcast and programming
* have Macintosh experience with databases, word processing, page layout, &
* have good writing/editing/staff and project and people management skills
* can work w/ various work styles & personalities
* can facilitate meetings effectively and make presentations
* is self-directed and entrepreneurial
How to apply:
* Write a 1- to 2-page letter describing 1) your interests in this project,
2) why, and 3) the experiences you've had that would enable you to be
successful in the position.  Include a 1- to 2-pg resume w/ references and
phone numbers.
* Send to Tony Deifell, 115 Market St., Durham, NC 27701, fax: 919/683.3194,
phone: 919/688.0332, [log in to unmask]
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