Important New DVD Releases
Mon, 15 Sep 2003 18:27:41 -0400
I don't post Kino stuff on the list that often so as not to clutter up
important cinematic discussion but we are putting out two very important
releases for which support by the academic community is ESSENTIAL:
THE MAN WHO LAUGHS- Paul Leni's 1928 silent masterpiece ( and my all time
favorite silent film) and three African Films on DVD which will be the first
sub-Saharan African
films offered on DVD
YEELEN by Souleymane Cisse
HYENNAS by Djibril Diop Mambety
GENESIS by Cheick Oumar Sissoko
All of the above will retail for $29.95 each on DVD and $24.95 each on VHS
but will be on SALE for 25%-30% on our web site
None of these films will be stocked by Blockbuster and very few will find
their way into your local video store so if you want these kinds of films to
be available, you should support them. Frankly we try hard to keep putting
out more boutique titles but it is depressing that we can sell ten to twenty
times as many copies of second rate current release or older action film
than any silent or African film.
Here is some brief information on these films but for more details ( and to
order) go to the web site. Please note THE MAN WHO LAUGHS is available to
order NOW but the African Films will not be up for a week ( releasing late
Details as follows
US 1928 110 Minutes
Based on Victor Hugo's novel set in 18 Century France , this is a really,
really creepy and brilliant film about a young boy whose has a permanent
"smile" carved in his face and grows up to take revenge on those
responsible. Frankly this film has been widely seen in poor bootleg videos
or dupey 16mm prints, this is a stunning restoration from Cineteca di
Bologna with oodles of extras as follows
The original Movietone soundtrack has been newly restored by Universal
Special Features:
* An original 20-minute documentary on the making of the film
* Candid home movie footage of Conrad Veidt and fellow European emigrés
Greta Garbo, Emil Jannings, and Camilla Horn.
* Extensive gallery of rare photographs and art.
* Booklet essay by John Soister, author of Conrad Veidt On Screen.
* Excerpt of the Italian release version, with unique hand-painted title
* Excerpt from Victor Hugo's original novel.
THE MAN WHO LAUGHS will be released Sept 30
Mali 1987 105 Minutes
In Bambara with English subtitles
Set in the powerful Mali Empire of the 13th century, YEELEN tells of the
journey of Niankoro, a young sorcerer who must confront an evil sorcerer
who is also his father. One of most widely acclaimed African films ever made
YEELEN is as visually stunning as anything from Hollywood
Senegal 1992 113 Minutes
In Wolof with English subtitles
Awash in the hypnotic colors and intoxicating sounds of West Africa,
HYENAS is a wicked comedy depicting the devastating effects of greed &
poverty on a stricken village.
Mali 1999 102 Minutes
In Bambara with English subtitles
A retelling of chapters 33-37 from the book of Genesis from an African
perspective, the film portrays the bitter rivalry between brothers Jacob
and Esau which threatens to engulf both clans in a never-ending cycle of
violence. Unlike Hollywood's sanitized versions of the the Bible, GENESIS
shows men driven as much by greed and anger as devotion to God.
The African films will be released on DVD & VHS on 10/28
E mail me directly with any questions or orders.
Jessica Rosner
Kino International
333 W 39th St. 503
NY NY 10018
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