FW: Criss Cross text only version
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:28:30 +0100
Confluence and Influence in 20th Century African American Music,
Visual Art and Literature
Three Day International Conference
June 18th - 20th, 2004
School of American & Canadian Studies,
University of Nottingham
Music is habitually cited as the core expressive form in African American
culture, yet the question of what this has meant for both music and other
art forms has rarely been addressed in detail.
Focusing on the history of JAZZ and BLUES, our project will endeavour to
explicate this situation. The central question we intend to confront is:
what has been the nature and extent of the relationship between black music
and other African American art forms, particularly PAINTING, POETRY, FICTION
and FILM?
Following the success of our one-day 'Jazzthetics' colloquium in May 2003,
we are now planning a three-day conference in June 2004.
Guest speakers will include Robin D.G. Kelley, John F. Szwed and Robert
Farris Thompson.
Papers are invited on any aspect of the relationship between music and other
facets of 20th century African American culture.
Please send abstracts (c.500 words) and a brief CV to
[log in to unmask] [please write 'Conference proposal' in the
email subject field]. Or write to Dr. Graham Taylor, School of American &
Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7
2RD, United Kingdom.
Closing date for proposals: 15th December 2003.
We hope to respond to proposals by mid-January.
We plan to publish a selection of the conference papers.
To see more about the Criss Cross project, including paintings and music by
BILL DIXON, poems by MICHAEL S. HARPER and synopses of the papers presented
at the 'Jazzthetics' colloquium, please visit our website at
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