Re: Natural Born Killers
Wed, 7 Dec 1994 01:57:24 -0900
> I think there is something new afoot here. It's an indicator, a
>... or a breakdown ! The film to me was a morbid spectacle, like a gruesome
>car accident that everyone has to slow down and look at, and I was
>wondering if that was stones point [ HE had one, I assume] : Life has
>become an out of control spectacle, with nothing but images, sounds and
>senseless actions that have deadened our response even to brutal death.
>The bit I liked the least were the inclusions at the end, of the OJ trial,
>and I forget what else, I think Tanya, or Bobbitt or something : "If you
>didn't get what I was saying, HERE IT IS !!!", was how I took it.
I don't think it was good for the film or his intention but what I got from
the current events montage at the end was that I have been paying way too
much attention to such stuff. I watched the Bronco-fest (which is sort of
denfensible) and I watched/listened to many of the news reports on the
other events. However, after seeing that movie (which I enjoyed), I decided
that it wasn't good for me. I didn't learn anything from such "news" and it
was a trivial way to be informed. Now I have a job which puts me in rush
hour traffic during "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered". I think
this is better for me yet even NPR reports too much on the Simpson trial.
> Joseph Cotten once remarked that he thought CITIZEN KANE was "sort of
>a trick film", and that the MAGNIFICENT AMBERCROMIES was a better STORY.
I think you mean _The Magnificent Ambersons_
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