NEW: London-Cinephiles
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 15:49:24 +0000
L O N D O N - C I N E P H I L E S
Ideas and Screenings in the Capital
Launched today: 1 November 2001
London-Cinephiles is a brand new email forum for the announcement of
screenings, talks, festivals, lectures, salons, and other cinematic and
film theoretical events in London. The forum is also happy to accommodate
discussions of contemporary film issues and ideas, but is not intended for
filmmakers or actors or screenwriters who are looking for work or funding
or courses or equipment or help. For such practical matters try the email digests. In this sense London-Cinephiles is
primarily for those on the receiving-end of cinema culture.
London-Cinephiles is for those London filmgoers who love the moving sound
The forum is there to enable critics, lecturers, filmmakers, and
organisations to advertise their talks and showings and meetings,
especially the relatively new area of the gallery art-film show, and those
lo-no-budget experimental, underground, and independent events. London can
be a great capital of the moving-image, with some dedicated organisations:
Exploding Cinema, Shooting People, OMSK, Secret Cinema, Halloween Society,
Raindance, the BFI, Global Cafe, NFT, Curzon Soho, ICA, Genesis Cinema,
Peeping Toms, Ritzy, etc. (but Londoners can travel, so by all means post
details of other UK events). With the recent trouble at the Lux perhaps now
is a good time to set up a email forum dedicated to the London community of
London is also a growing centre for the study of film theory and culture --
new degrees in cinema studies are available at universities such as Thames
Valley, East London, Kings College, UCL, and Birkbeck. There are also many
interesting public lectures and talks that go unreported, so
London-Cinephiles is particularly hoping to help advertise, and perhaps
encourage, intellectual debate about cinema in London.
London-Cinephiles is brought to you by Film-Philosophy
So, if you want to know what's cinematically happening in London, simply
send the message:
join london-cinephiles YOURNAME
join london-cinephiles YOURNAME with digest
to: [log in to unmask]
(In the digest version you will receive forum posts in a single email, sent
about once a day.)
Any questions: [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: