Love Thy Leader (11/1/09; 11/11-14-10)
Wed, 26 Aug 2009 08:51:27 -0400
Call for Papers:
"Love Thy Leader - Charisma, Attraction, and Love toward Figures of Identification"
2010 Film & History Conference: Representations of Love in Film and Television
November 11-14, 2010
Hyatt Regency Milwaukee <>
Second-Round Deadline: November 1, 2009
Area: "Love Thy Leader - Charisma, Attraction, and Love toward Figures of Identification"
What visual and narrative strategies represent the charismatic leader -- historical or fictional -- in film and television? How do those strategies reflect or shape the perceived bond between leaders and their people? Panels and papers might consider leaders in business, economy, and commerce, as well as in politics, foreign affairs, and war, or in popular mass movements and (sub-)cultures, like environmental activism, spiritual and religious movements, entertainment, and sports. Any form of love toward leaders might be treated. Comparisons between the different captains of the Star Trek universe or of the various Terminator settings are as welcome as analyses of films about Lawrence of Arabia, Hitler, Nixon, Jim Morrison, Jeanne d'Arc, King Arthur, Queen Elisabeth, or Jesus.
This area, comprising multiple panels, welcomes the submission of both individual papers and complete panels, dealing with documentaries, TV-shows, feature films, animation, or any experimental, cross- or other format. You are welcome to look at issues like how charismatic leadership is translated into cinematographic representation, how the charismatic power of great figures is explained and/or represented in film, what compels people to follow these leaders, or any leader in general, how that love transcends content, issue, form, or any kind of barrier or border.
Please send your 200-word proposal by e-mail to the area chair:
Carsten Hennig, Area Chair "Love Thy Leader"
Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Panel proposals for up to four presenters are also welcome, but each presenter must submit his or her own paper proposal. For updates and registration information about the upcoming meeting, see the Film & History website ( <> ).
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