Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle on AFI OnLine Cinema
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 11:26:01 -0800
Just wanted to let you know of the newest film we are showing online.
The American Film Institute's popular OnLine Cinema is now showing the
classic 1916 Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle film FATTY AND MABEL ADRIFT. Using
cutting-edge streaming video technology developed by
VDOnet, the AFI OnLine Cinema offers a global audience the opportunity to
view hard-to-see classic Hollywood films.
The AFI OnLine Cinema is located at <>.
FATTY AND MABEL ADRIFT, a 34-minute short, features the then-popular
comedic team of Arbuckle and Mabel Normand. A flooded set which could rock
back and forth was created exclusively for the hilarious sketch in which
the couple's beach house is cast out to sea by villains. It is a
silent-film favorite.
Since its historic launch in January 1997 with Charlie Chaplin's THE RINK,
the AFI OnLine Cinema has been visited by a global audience of more than
300,000 people from over 100 countries. All previous OnLine Cinema films
can be accessed via the site's archive.
In 1995, AFI created the popular AFI OnLine on the Internet's World Wide
Web to provide global access to AFI's rich resources in film, television
and new media. Located at <>, AFI OnLine provides an
international authority source for all aspects of the moving image arts, a
one-stop guide for anyone interested in this art form. This month also
features extensive coverage of the AFI Los Angeles International Film
Festival. One of the most valuable assets on the AFI Web site is CineMedia,
the Internet's largest film and media directory with links to more than
16,000 sites worldwide.
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