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January 1994


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robert carringer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 31 Jan 1994 19:07:30 +0100
text/plain (43 lines)
>The papers of Orson Welles are housed in the Lilly Library of Indiana
>University, Bloomington, IN 47405-3301.  Tel:  (812) 855-2452.
Curator of Welles Collection: Rebecca Campbell Cape. They're tremendously
cooperative and helpful.
>With the exception of WAR OF THE WORLDS researchers will have difficulty
>with Welles's scripts (aside from the problem of whether the Lilly library
>will make copies).  This is because Welles churned out most of his stuff
>within a very short period of time, and was constantly revising up until
>airtime.  I have even heard that on occasion, east coast and west coast
>versions of the same show were different (the production would be repeated
>to compensate for the time zone difference).  The scripts I have studied
>have many pages torn, stapled, taped, and contain numerous emendations
>in pencil.
And they often weren't even broadcast according to the final script.
>It's a treasure trove for the scholar - but a little tough if all you
>want to do is try to perform the stuff.
>I would enjoy dicussing radio and radio drama.  It's part of my
>dissertation-in-progress, tentatively titled "The Radio Music of Bernard
Michael Ogden in Tallahassee is THE authority on Welles and radio.
Voyager (800 446 2001) digitally remastered perhaps 20 of the Mercury
broadcasts a few years ago and released them as a package on a single laser
audio disc called something like Theatre of the Imagination; also on
Christopher Usted at the Herrmann archive at Santa Barbara has always been
generously forthcoming with me on Herrmann information and material.
Good luck. RLC
>Bob Kosovsky
>Student, PhD Program in Music                   Librarian
>Graduate Center                                 Music Division
>City University of New York                     The New York Public Library
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>-------My opinions do not necessarily represent those of my institutions-------
Robert L. Carringer, University of Illinois
(e-mail [log in to unmask])
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