Screen 38 (3)
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:12:50 -0500
Dear SCREEN-L readers:
We would like to post, as soon as they are available, the tables of contents for
forthcoming issues of _Screen_.
Published by Oxford University Press, _Screen_ is acclaimed as a contemporary
media studies journal. Founded
nearly forty years ago by the Society for Education in Film and Television
(SEFT), _Screen_ established itself as
_the_ leading international journal dedicated to the advanced study of film and
television. Since 1990 the journal has
been edited by The John Logie Baird Centre, University of Glasgow
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We hope you will welcome this information and find it useful.
Best wishes.
Meredith Morovati
Oxford University Press
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Volume 38, Number 3 (Autumn 1997)
EDITORS: John Caughie, Simon Frith, Norman King, Annette Kuhn, Karen Lury,
Jackie Stacey, The John Logie
Baird Centre
Race gender and disavowal in Spanish cinema of the early Franco period: the
missionary film and the folkloric musical. Jo Labanyi pp. 215-231
Steel in the gaze: on POV and the discourse of vision in Kathryn Biegelow's
cinema. Laura Rascaroli pp. 232-246
'Drama' into 'news': strategies of intervention in 'The Wednesday Play'. M.K.
MacMurraugh-Kavanagh pp.
Transforming television broadcasting in a democratic South Africa. Jacqueline
Maingard pp. 260-274
Debate. Piano recital. Annie Goldson pp. 275-281
Debate. Rhetorical powerplay: a note on Ien Ang's review of The Dynasty Years.
Jostein Gripsrud pp. 282-286
_Screen_ is published quarterly by Oxford University Press. For more
information please contact the Journals
Department, Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans
Road, Cary NC 27513, USA. Toll-free within the US: 1-800-852-7323 or
919-677-0977 Fax: 919-677-1714
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Copyright in the table of contents listed above is held by OUP, but you are
welcome to circulate them, provided that
Oxford University Press is credited as publisher and copyright holder.
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