FW: specific scenes from old movies
Sat, 9 Nov 2013 16:47:53 +0000
Forwarded inquiry from another list. Please reply to the email address at the bottom. My apologies for any double-postings.
For a project on how scenes from movies might become part of or serve as the template for individuals' personal narratives of their own experiences.
I am looking specifically for the following:
movies from the 1950s and 1960s, perhaps early 1970s where:
a) an individual has a blanket thrown over them as part of being abducted (the situation I'm trying to match is actually of a rescue this way, not an abduction or kidnapping, but I realize the "scene of influence" might be an abduction)
b) an individual is tortured by having a lit cigarette used to burn a mark in their flesh (specific scene I'm trying to match is of a Nazi making a swastika in somebody's arm, but again, could be any scene of torture using a burning cigarette)
c) scene of children being used as the "advance troops" and throwing grenades at trucks/convoys (specific scene I'm trying to match is children in the mountains throwing grenades at Nazi trucks)
d) scene where men or boys are forced to pull their pants down for purpose of determining whether they're circumcised
e) any movie that might have been shown in this period in the USA involving Tito.
Popular culture of this period is not my forte. Am very grateful for any help members can provide.
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