CFP: The Cine-Files seeks essays on cinematic affect
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 12:00:50 -0600
CFP: The Cine-Files is now accepting submissions (4000-6000 words) for the "Featured Scholarship" segment of Issue 10 (Spring 2016), a special issue on cinematic affect.
The Spring 2016 special issue on cinematic affect will feature three components:
A dossier of solicited materials, curated by guest editor Anne Rutherford (author of What Makes a Film Tick? Cinematic Affect, Materiality and Mimetic Innervation, 2011). Contributors will include Jennifer Barker, Jennifer Biddle, Eugenie Brinkema, Jenny Chamarette, Robin Curtis, Lalitha Gopalan, Paul Gormley, Gertrud Koch, Laura Marks, Angela Ndalianis, Patricia Pisters, Anna Powell, Amit Rai, Elena de Rio, and Steven Shaviro.
A small selection of solicited articles, interviews, and/or video essays assembled by The Cine-Files editor Tracy Cox-Stanton.
The “Featured Scholarship” section of peer-reviewed essays as described in this CFP.
The essays we seek may employ a diversity of approaches to questions of cinematic affect. Essays may consider film form, explore particular theories, and/or consider how the “affective turn” has provided new ways of thinking about abiding questions that have oriented film studies, even as it has introduced new questions. But all submissions should be grounded in the discussion of specific films, in keeping with The Cine-Files’ characteristic focus. At the heart of Issue 10 is Rutherford’s titular question, “What makes a film tick?”
Submissions should observe traditional essay conventions (strong thesis, linear organization and development of argument), double space, and follow Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition (endnotes, please). Given the transnational nature of the collection, contributors may use the spelling conventions of the environment in which s/he works (either Australian/British or US spelling), but all contributors please use double quotation marks. We encourage the use of images, but require that they be submitted as separate files (jpg is preferred), in addition to being embedded in the doc. Short film clips are welcomed as well: please upload them to and provide that link in your doc.
The deadline for completed submissions is March 1, 2016. Essays (4000-6000 words) should be accompanied by a brief email indicating the essay title, author’s name, institutional affiliation and contact information. The Cine-Files practices double blind review for its featured scholarship selections, thus the attached submission must not contain the name of the author or any reference to the author. Please include a one-page abstract and send submission via email (with essay attached as doc) to Tracy Cox-Stanton, [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
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