CFP: Doctor Who/Torchwood area at the Southwest Popular Culture Association
Wed, 7 Aug 2013 10:22:00 -0600
The Science Fiction & Fantasy Area of the
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association
invites paper or panel proposals on
CFP: Doctor Who and/or Torchwood
at the 35th annual meeting of the SWPACA in Albuquerque, NM
February 19-22, 2014
Any and all topics will be considered, although we especially encourage
proposals on:
1) genre (comedy, horror, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, etc)
2) reception/transmission of either series internationally (past or present)
3) Doctor Who as brand/toyetic analysis
4) regenerations(s) of the series
5) Use/misuse of technology
6) Perspectives on the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who
7) Queer readings/presentations of LGBQT characters
8) auteur-ship
9) feminist analysis of Doctor Who/Torchwood
10) fandom/fanwork
11) Perspectives/potentialities of the 12th Doctor
12) Intersections of Doctor Who/Torchwood with this year's conference
theme: "Popular and American Culture Studies: Yesterday, Today, and
Proposals due November 1, 2013
Submit 250-word paper proposals or full paper proposals
(with title & 250-wd abstract for each panelist) at:
Submit in category Science Fiction & Fantasy—Doctor Who
Questions: Erin Giannini ([log in to unmask])
For more details on the conference (including application information for
the Tuerk Award for best graduate paper on science fiction or fantasy),
please visit
Follow the SF&F Area on Facebook & Twitter at and
@swtxsffchairs <>
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