job posting
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 09:11:27 -0500
The Department of Film, Television and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame
Invites applications for a tenure-track position in film studies at the
rank of assistant professor. Preference will be given to candidates with
research and teaching interests in any of the following fields: race and
ethnicity in film; global cinemas and cultures; film and religion.
This position will complement the department's existing strengths in film
theory and critical studies. Currently the department offers a B.A.
degree. The course load is two per semester. The professor will be
responsible for teaching two basic and/or intermediate level lecture
courses (or occasional university service courses), an advanced course, and
a senior seminar in the person's special area of research.
Applicants must have received the Ph.D. Strong publication program and
evidence of superior teaching expected. Salary and research support are
highly competitive.
The University of Notre Dame, an international Catholic research
university, is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Educator, and
Employer that has a strong institutional commitment to racial, cultural and
gender diversity.
The appointment begins in August 2004.The application deadline is December
1, 2003. Send a letter stating interest, research and teaching experience,
curriculum vitae, and the names and phone numbers of three references to:
Peter Holland, Chair
Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
314 O'Shaughnessy Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556.
Pamela Robertson Wojcik
Associate Professor
Dept. of Film, TV and Theatre
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: