Translating foreign films
Mon, 16 Dec 1996 10:05:57 PST
In one of my classes I teach about 3 ways tranlating foreign films
and TV programs:
1. Subtitles
2. Dubbing
3. Voice over
In Israel the most common way of translation is by
subtitles. Parents oppose brodcasting dubbed TV programs. They think
that children can learn English from hearing the original sound
track.From young age children get used to read the subtitles and
many pay attention to errors in translation.
Another Israeli invention is broadcasting the same chapter
twice during the week - once with subtitles and once dubbed.
Voice over is accepted in documantaries on nature where
seeing the picture is most important. When one reads the subtitles
his eyes have to move from the center of the screen to the lower
part and this can be disturbing.
Eva Katz
Media Education
Beit Berl, Israel
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