Reminder CFP: Fahrenheit 9/11 and the (Culture) War at Home
Thu, 16 Sep 2004 15:49:57 -0400
Greetings! Could you please post the following reminder for the "call
for respondents" for the Film & History Conference panel, "Fahrenheit 9/11
and the (Culture) War at Home"? This three-hour session is designed as a
kind of "town meeting" that will provide participants with a lot of
opportunity to contribute opinions and ask questions. Thank you, Gary
p.s. I am also attaching this "call" in MS Word for everyone's convenience.
"War in Film, Television, and History"
at the Dolce International Conference Center in Dallas, Texas
(please visit <> for more information)
Call for Respondents on
"Fahrenheit 9/11 and the (Culture) War at Home"
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Panel: "Fahrenheit 9/11 and the (Culture) War at Home"
An extended session is now being planned on the significance and impact of
Fahrenheit 9/11 as a documentary, an historical film, and a popular
phenomenon. Three brief 10-15 minute introductory presentations on popular
media culture and the 2004 election, Michael Moore and his film and TV
work, and a concise production history of Fahrenheit 9/11, will be followed
by an open and freewheeling discussion, spurred by a series of respondents
who will each have the floor for 3-5 minutes to present a focused argument
on some aspect of the topic at hand. The audience, too, will be encouraged
to share opinions and ask questions throughout.
Anyone interested in serving as a respondent, please e-mail Gary Edgerton
[log in to unmask], panel chair and moderator, with a short 40-50 word
summary of the point that you wish to make by September 30. Preference in
being selected as a respondent will be given to those attendees who are not
otherwise presenting papers at the conference. We will assemble a
cross-section of viewpoints and include as many respondents as time allows.
All respondents will be listed in the program by name and institution.
Respondents are also expected register for the conference. Full details on
registration procedures and fees, travel and accommodations, and related
information can be found at <>. The Film & History
League is co-hosting the "War in Film, Television, and History" Conference
(November 11-14, 2004) with the Literature/Film Association. Regularly
updated information on the Film & History League and the 2004 Conference
can be accessed at <>.
Gary R. Edgerton, Chair
Communication and Theatre Arts Department
633 Batten Arts and Letters Building
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0087
phone: 757.683.3831
fax: 757.683.4700
e-mail: [log in to unmask](See attached file:
CallforRespondentsF&HF911withCartoon.doc)(See attached file:
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