Job Announcements: University of Alabama
Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:46:57 -0600
The College of Communication & Information Sciences, The University of
Alabama, is pleased to invite applications for two to four new full-time,
nine-month faculty positions.
Rank is open, but established scholars are preferred, as is a terminal
degree. Visiting positions are a possibility. Salary is very competitive.
We are seeking scholars from communication or allied disciplines to teach
at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Commitment to obtaining
externally sponsored research support is desirable. These positions are the
result of a special initiative from the Provost and are designed to enhance
the Collegešs doctoral program. They require a significant, nationally
recognized research agenda in one or more of the areas described below.
Each position will be affiliated with one or more of the Collegešs five
The specific positions the College seeks to fill are the following:
Interpersonal Communication and Creativity:
The successful candidate will study the role of interpersonal communication
in the creative process. Beyond a focus on creativity, specific areas of
interest include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following
areas: health communication, message production, cognitive approaches to
interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, and communication
and aging. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an active
research program using quantitative or qualitative methods.
Multimedia Message Design and Consumption:
The successful candidate will have extensive knowledge of the creation and
consumption of digital products such as intelligent interface design,
interactive television, virtual reality, or video games. The prospective
applicant should have a demonstrated proficiency in the use and development
of digital media of all types. Specific areas of interest include, but are
not limited to, one or more of the following: instructional, entertainment,
and communication theory, rigorous assessment of the needs and usage styles
of consumers of digital media, and the practice of digital media message
design. In addition to a C.V., candidates for this position may submit a
portfolio of digital media products.
Media Criticism and Creativity:
The successful candidate will be a critical scholar who will teach and
study creativity in media. The candidate will have expertise in the
institutional and cultural forces that may hinder or facilitate creative
expression; be mindful of elements that facilitate social or institutional
change; and appreciate the contributions of media in a democratic society.
We welcome all perspectives (institutional analysis. audience analysis,
systems analysis, cultural studies, textual contextual analysis, etc.),
methodological approaches (quantitative, qualitative. etc.), and
disciplinary approaches (political economy. organizational theory, media
sociology, professional studies. etc.).
Creative Critical Consumer Education:
The successful candidate will have the stature and skills to foster and
coordinate research into and teaching about consumer communication literacy
in the digital media environment. A variety of methodological approaches
and theoretical orientations are welcome. Specific areas of interest may
include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: audience
analysis, audience feedback, media literacy, consumer satisfaction,
consumer protection. policy studies, privacy issues, etc.
The University of Alabama is the statešs oldest public university and
offers the full course of academic programs to its 19,500 students. It is
located in Tuscaloosa, a city of 80,000 that is 55 miles southwest of
Birmingham. The College of Communication & Information Sciences consists of
five divisions: the Departments of Advertising and Public
Relations, Communication Studies, Journalism, and Telecommunication and
Film, and the School of Library and Information Studies. The Institute for
Communication Research is also housed in the College and is one of the best
research facilities in the country. The College is home to the nationally
recognized Center for Public Television & Radio, which produces and
broadcasts educational and cultural programming.
Send application letter, vita, description of research and teaching
interests, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to:
Dr. Matthew D. Bunker
Acting Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Office for Graduate Studies
478 Reese Phifer Hall
Box 870172
Tuscaloosa. Alabama 35487-0172
UA is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. The College is
committed to a faculty which reflects the cultural diversity of the
Universityšs student body. Women and minorities are especially encouraged
to apply.
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