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January 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Debra Steidel Wall <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Jan 1994 20:50:21 EST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
The Nontextual Archives Division of the National Archives
announces the installation of its fax-on-demand system, which
allows researchers to select and receive pamphlets and other
material via fax.  The system, which can be reached at (301) 713-
6905, must be called from a fax machine.  There is no charge for
the service except for any long distance phone charges the caller
may incur.
We invite you to test the system, which currently contains moving
notices, general information leaflets, select lists, reference
reports, and other finding aid material.  We would appreciate any
comments, suggestions, or criticisms.  Please contact Debra Wall
via e-mail at [log in to unmask], or at (202) 501-5449.
A list of documents currently available on the system follows.
We will add new documents regularly.
            National Archives Fax-on-Demand System
                        (301) 713-6905
NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                                     PAGES
   1 List of available documents (this document)
1000 Information About the National Archives for Prospective
     Researchers                                              6
2001 Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch Close Notice     1
2002 Still Picture Branch Close Notice                        1
2003 Cartographic and Architectural Branch Close Notice       1
3000 Motion Pictures and Sound and Video Recordings in the
     National Archives                                        3
3001 National Archives Gift Collection Acquisition Policy:
     Motion Pictures & Sound and Video Recordings             4
3002 Copyright Warning Notice                                 1
3003 List of freelance film researchers in the D.C. area      1
3100 An Overview of card catalogs in the Motion Picture,
     Sound, and Video Branch                                  2
3130 Presidential Inaugural Addresses and Oaths of Offices:
     Sound Recordings                                         1
3131 Presidential Inaugural Addresses and Oaths of Offices:
     Film and Video                                           1
3201 Select Audiovisual Records: Captured German Sound
     Recordings                                              13
3202 Select Audiovisual Records: The Crucial Decade: Voices
     of the Postwar Era 1945-54                              20
3203 Select Audiovisual Records, Sound Recordings: Voices of
     World War II, 1937-1945                                  9
3300 A Selection of Historical Motion Pictures in the
     National Archives                                        2
3401 Reference Report: Audiovisual Records Relating to D-Day  6
4000 Information for Prospective Researchers About the Still
     Picture Branch of the National Archives                  7
4100 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of African
     Americans During World War II                           20
4102 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of World War II    13
4104 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of United States
     Navy Ships                                              10
4106 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of the Civil War   11
4108 Select Audiovisual Records: Photographs of the American
     West, 1861-1912                                         11
4110 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of the Revolutionary
     War                                                      8
4112 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of Indians in the
     United States                                           11
4114 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures of the American
     City                                                    10
4116 Select Audiovisual Records: Pictures from the Harmon
     Foundation, Artwork and Art Activities                   8
4118 Select Audiovisual Records: Contemporary African Art
     from the Harmon Foundation                              10
Cartographic and Architectural Branch
5000 Cartographic and Architectural Branch General Information
     Leaflet                                                  8
Updated: January 4, 1994