SCIENCE FICTION FILM AND TELEVISION special issue CFP and open call for articles and reviewers
Thu, 2 Feb 2017 16:40:52 -0600
SCIENCE FICTION FILM AND TELEVISION is still seeking articles for its
special issue on Women & Science Fiction Media, intended to mark the 200th
year anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. See the
full call for papers at
Articles should be approximately 7000 to 9000 words in length, including
footnotes and bibliography. Submissions (in word or rtf, following MLA
style) should be made via our website at Any queries should be directed
to the editors, Mark Bould ([log in to unmask]), Gerry Canavan (
[log in to unmask]), Sherryl Vint ([log in to unmask]), and
Dan Hassler-Forest ([log in to unmask]). The deadline for submissions
for this special issue is March 15, 2017.
SCIENCE FICTION FILM AND TELEVISION also has a year-round open reading
period. Preferred length for articles is approximately 7000-9000 words; all
topics related to science fiction film, television, and related media will
be considered. Typical response time is within three months. Check the
journal website at Liverpool University Press for full guidelines for
contributors (
please direct any individualized queries to the editors.
SFFTV also publishes reviews and review essays of books and film/television
DVDs, as well as streaming television series. Several major SF films and
series from 2016 are still unclaimed! Please write
[log in to unmask] with a CV and your requests for assignments...
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: