Re: Wild Bunch soundtrack
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 17:59:54 GMT
Tony Williams ([log in to unmask]) sez:
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
: From: Tony Williams
: English
: Fielding's soundtrack of THE WILD BUNCH has been out on CD now for nearly
: two years. The CD contains some more tracks but not the vocal serenade to the
: Bunch as they ride away from the village since it was added as an afterthought
: by Peckinpah. There is a Washington-based company which deals in film
: soundtracks on CD (the address I do not have with me at present). However,
: I'm sure the CD is listed in most reliable catalogs and you should have no
: difficulty in finding it from general or soundtrack specialist sources.
: Tony Williams
There is a large site for film music information on the Web at (a searchable soundtrack index, lists of
dealers, etc)
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