Mon, 24 Jul 2000 10:18:52 +0100
I was impressed by Barbara Sonneborn's *Regret to Inform* for its unusual
angle on the American war in Vietnam - the director, whose husband was
killed in the war, travels some 20 years later to the place where he died
and discusses the painful sacrifices demanded by the war with other American
war widows and with Vietnamese women.
But if you're looking for a really compelling story of men at war, you
should start by reading Homer's *Iliad*. I know it sounds like something
you were forced to read at school but it is (among other things) a really
good adventure story ('though *The Odyssey* is more dynamic but not really a
war story) based on the sacking of Troy. I'm no expert but I'm sure there
must be masses of subsequent literature which take the Iliad as its pattern
but transfers the action to another time and place. Probably a few films
----- Original Message -----
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 10:01 AM
Subject: WAR HELP
> Hello all. I'm a recent AFI graduate who is wriging a war film. I'm
> for great films that cover both different aspects of war as well as
> wars. Also, wondering if anyone knows of any interesting battles or wars
> that havent' been shown or over portrayed too much.
> Any help would be great.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
> Reply to [log in to unmask]
> ----
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