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September 2010, Week 3


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Christine Becker <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 21:48:35 -0400
text/plain (67 lines)
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
Television Studies

The University of Notre Dame, Department of Film, Television, and 
Theatre, invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Television 
Studies. This faculty member will be responsible for contributing to the 
department's growing concentration in this area. Duties include teaching 
four courses per year, carrying out a rigorous program of research 
leading to publication contributing department and university service, 
and mentoring undergraduate majors. There also will be the opportunity 
to participate in the interdisciplinary PhD in Literature program and in 
the Graduate Minor in Screen Cultures. There are about 200 undergraduate 
majors, including 80 or more concentrating in Television.

The successful candidate must have a PhD in television, new media or 
cultural studies and teaching experience in critical studies approaches 
to television. S/he will be invited to teach classes in the history, 
criticism and aesthetics of the medium, in television genres and 
narratives, in stardom, international television, or television in 
relation to political and social issues. We particularly welcome 
applicants who would like to help develop our nascent program in new media.

The Search Committee's deliberations will begin on Monday, October 4, 
2010. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The 
appointment begins Tuesday, August 23, 2011. The University is on the 
semester system.

The Department of Film, Television, and Theatre is a dynamic department 
with eighteen regular faculty. The liberal arts oriented curriculum 
presents a broad exposure to screen cultures as an intellectual endeavor 
as well as an aesthetic and practical one, and offers courses that 
appeal to a wide range of students, including non-majors. The department 
resides in the Marie P. DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, dedicated in 
2004. We present the annual Notre Dame Student Film Festival in the 
Browning Cinema, a superb screening facility (see Our extensive alumni network enables us 
to bring to campus many guest lecturers who provide research and 
professional contacts to faculty and students.

The University of Notre Dame is an international Catholic research 
university with a strong institutional commitment to racial, cultural, 
and gender diversity. Notre Dame welcomes applications from women, 
people of color, or those attracted to a university with a Catholic 
identity (see The benefits packages are competitive 

To apply, please send a curriculum vitae and a letter of application in 
a PDF, DOC or DOCX format to: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>. The letter 
should include statements about the candidate's teaching aims and 
scholarly work, a comment on why the candidate is interested in a 
position at Notre Dame, and the names and e-mail addresses of three 

Donald Crafton, Chairperson
Department of Film, Television, and Theatre
230 DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-7054
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