Re: Evil heroes?
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 02:01:54 EST
Something funny strikes me about this evil hero question... maybe we're
looking too far. Why hasn't anyone cited Mel Gibson in Braveheart for killing
the English in the name of utopian ideals? Darth is a cute example also, but
notably luke did a good deal of empire slaughtering. So this is my
interest... the normative evil heroes who aren't evil.
On that note, let me add that whoever said my questions could be convoluted
with definitions was entirely correct in my book. This is largely a question
of what we want to call evil. I realize that people have written plenty of
etemologies and psychoanalyses about the nature of evil, but has anyone done
a film study of evil? I'm sure it's been done at some point (I'd be shocked
if it hadn't). Anyone have suggestions for good readings (and horror film
studies don't count).
Evan Rosenfield
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