Take a quick film poll
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 11:49:28 -0500
Hi everyone;
It would be of great help to me, on a paper I'm writing for a graduate
seminar in the University of Rochester's Film Program, if a number of
people on this list serve took the following poll about movie preferences.
The information returned will be confidential (i.e. I won't sell it to
"Reel.com") and nobody's name will appear in the text of my paper. It's
only three questions and should just take a couple of minutes.
Don't send responses to the list-serve, but back directly to me at
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The only other request I have is that respondents answer each question
before moving on to and reading the next question. (I don't want, say,
question two to influence the answer of question one.)
Daniel I Humphrey
Department of Art & Art History
University of Rochester
424 Morey Hall
Rochester NY 14627-0456
Question One:
If you were forced to pick the films of one ten year period--say "the
1930s" or, more precisely, something like "1956-1965"--and have only
copies of those films saved in your personal archive of loved films or
videos, what ten year period would you pick? Then name four or five of
the films from that period which have led you to that conclusion.
Scroll down for question two.
Question two:
Name ten films from the past FIVE YEARS, set at least five years earlier
than when they were made but set no earlier than 1900, that you have a
particularly fondness for. In other words, don't pick EYES WIDE SHUT
since it's set in the present and don't pick SLEEPY HOLLOW since it is set
in the 1700s. (Also, don't list the films that you think are the "most
important" or the "most original", just ten that you've really enjoyed.)
Scroll down for the third question:
Name your birthdate including year.
Again, forward your answers to me at [log in to unmask]
Thank you very much!
Daniel Humphrey
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