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October 1992


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Kerr Avon <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Oct 1992 20:12:47 BST
text/plain (26 lines)
>From: Cal <[log in to unmask]>
>Fascinating.  Friend Giordano comparing David Duke and George Bush.  If there
>was nothing to be ashamed of, why would the good folks deny supporting their
>duly elected President?  Who they are supposed to (asked to) Trust?
>Hey, if elections weren't horseraces then their would be no need to vote, but
>it may be relevant to the previous observation that the British bookmakers
>have Bush at 3-1 (bet one and get three plus your one); Perot at 25-1 and
>Clinton as an odds-on favorite at 1-6 (bet six to get one).
Hmmm... I can't remember what odds were being offered, but bear in mind
that, during our own general election, the pundits and opinion pollsters
were predicting a decisive win for the Labour party.  As you all know,
not only did the Tories win, they got a majority.
And now Britain is well and truly up the creek without a canoe, never mind
a paddle... do I see a connection...
     KERR AVON    |   Work: ICL,   *"To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance
 aka Liam Cairney |Reading, England*  was just something that happened
  All e-mail to:- | Home: Glasgow, *  to other people, wasn't it?"
[log in to unmask] |    Scotland    *           -- Edmund Blackadder