Re: World's largest film reference database launched on web
Mon, 29 Apr 1996 11:22:09 -0500
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
Incidentally, the introductory price is US$975. After June 21, 1996
it'll go for US$1,375.
Evidently it's targetted for libraries and not individual
users--excepting those individuals with deeeeeep pockets.
-------------------------------original message-------------------------
>From April 22 the world's largest film reference database, Bowker-Saur's
>International Film Index is freely available on the Worldwide Web
>for 60 days to promote the publication by Bowker-Saur of the CD-ROM of
>the same name on June 21 1996.
>The International Film Index (IFI) covers 100 years of film: 1895-1995
>and includes 250,000 film titles plus 97,000 alternative titles. It lists
>filmographies for over 180,000 actors and 35,000 directors and spans 165
>countries - from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
>>From April 22 until its June 21 launch, Bowker-Saur will be offering the
>International Film Index CD-ROM at a special discount price.
>The IFI is accessible on the web at
>John Sands
>Technical Director
>(part of Reed Reference Publishing)
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