Sun, 2 Oct 1994 20:30:12 CST
(1) SCREENWRITING WORKSHOP (taught by Steve Wingate)
Learn the basics of dramatic screenplay writing including
traditional structure and formatting, character development, and
plot construction.
Students write a short screenplay that is given dramatic reading
and critique in class. lots of personal attention to your work.
Class will also screen and discuss a classic Hollywood film (16mm
print or laserdisc) and view examples of effective character
development and plot point.
workshop begins thursday, Oct. 13, 1994, from 6-8pm in Hunter
208B, and meets six consecutive evenings. Tuition: $225. Class
limited to ten persons.
(2) Screenwriting 2 (taught by Lee Bridgers)
No screening. No lecture. just group dramatic reading and critique
of works in progress. If you are a screenwriter and need some
input, this is it. Call for scheduling.
(3) Video Animation (taught by Karl Pyatt)
A workshop based on video Toaster Lightwave 3D, perhaps the most
powerful and user-friendly solid modeling animation program
available. From flying logos to building enviornment and models in
three dimensions, Lightwave turns image into animation.
Class meets in Digital Cows Studios in Boulder beginning Oct. 18,
1994. Four class sessions fron 7 to 9pm. Tuition is $195.
(4) Video Toaster (taught by Lee Bridgers)
Examine the functions and applications of the most popular desktop
video device currently available. A must for anyone considering
video as a professor, or those who whis to start a home video
production studio on a budget.
Some hands-on, depending on class size.
Meets for three consecutive Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8pm in
Hunter 208B. new class starts the first Wednesday of each
month(except December). Tuition is $125 general public, $100 CU
students. Maximum class size ofd six persons.
For information and enrollment forms:
Lee Bridgers
Rocky Mountain Film Center(RMFC)
Campus Box 316
Univ. of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0316