Latest news on Internet Research FAQ
Sun, 29 Jun 1997 12:44:04 +0100
The Using the Internet for Research FAQ for this month is now out in the
following newsgroups:
misc.writing, alt.movies.independent, alt.union.natl-writers,
misc.writing.screenplays, alt.answers, misc.answers and news.answers
It can also be found on the web at:
New information this month:
First, we've changed our name from Internet Research for Writers FAQ. This
is to reflect the growing interest in the FAQ from all kinds of
researchers, not only writers.
There are a growing number of free resources, which offer searching by
soft, warm-blooded sentient beings, rather than computers.
ProfNet <> *(changed URL) is a collaborative of 3900 public
information officers (PIOs) linked by Internet to give journalists and
authors convenient access to expert sources. There are a number of ways of
submitting queries, not restricted to the Net itself:
Phone (from US): 1-800-PROFNET (1-800-776-3638)
Phone (from outside US): 01-516-941-3736
Fax (from US and Canada): 1-516-689-1425
Fax (from beyond US and Canada): 1-516-689-1425
Email: [log in to unmask]
CompuServe: 73163,1362
ASkAnExpert <> *(changed URL) offers similar
expert facilities.
And now there's also HumanSearch <>.
HumanSearch is run by people from all over the world with the aim of
helping "guide those who are lost on the Information Superhighway". You
send in your query and get your answer within 2 days.
Charlie Harris Footloose Films
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