Re: Paris 1968
Thu, 5 Sep 1996 08:54:20 -0500
>A colleague is teaching a course with a couple of readings on the Paris
>uprisings of 1968. She wants to know if there are any films that deal with
>this historical moment. I can't think of any. Are there any encyclopedists
>and/or specialists on the list who can?
In a sense, Krin, Godard's LE GAI SAVOIR is about May '68. Or maybe
"around May '68" would be more accurate. The film was shot before
May, but was edited and released after it--and it deals with a young
couple (in a darkened studio) talking about revolution.
Then, of course, there's also LA CHINOISE, Godard's prescient 1967
film about Maoist students in Paris.
Plus, his TOUT VA BIEN (1971; his return to big-budget filmmaking
after the Dziga Vertov Group days) also makes numerous references to
1968. In TVB Yves Montand is a former radical filmmaker who now makes
TV commercials and Jane Fonda is a journalist. Godard and Jean-Pierre
Gorin's companion piece to TVB, LETTER TO JANE, deconstructs Fonda's
media image and, I believe, makes some references to May '68.
Sylvia Harvey's MAY '68 AND FILM CULTURE (BFI, 1978) might help
Jeremy Butler
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Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa
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