Re: 'Reality' TV literature search
Sat, 29 May 1999 11:22:42 +0800
You could try a website someone recommended to me when I asked about info on
cop dramas - <>. It's not academic, but there is heaps of
useful material.
Sue Abel
Ulf Dalquist wrote:
> I'm looking for academic literature on 'reality' TV shows such as COPS,
> CRIMEWATCH, EYEWITNESSES etc. Any material concerning shows based on real
> footage of crime, accidents or natural disasters OR re-enactments of the
> same is of interest. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated, and will
> render you credit in the foreword of my forthcoming report (It will be
> published in Swedish, tho').
> Thanks in advance
> Ulf
> Ulf Dalquist Phone: +46-(0)8-39 21 68
> Petrejusv 18 Cell phone: +46-(0)739-88 17 05
> 121 38 Johanneshov Sweden E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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