SCREEN-L Archives

August 1991


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Aug 1991 13:55:02 CDT
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I've just made SCREEN-L a "public" list once again.
For the past 3 or 4 months SCREEN-L has been a "private" list.  This
meant that only persons whose addresses were on the list could post
messages to SCREEN-L.  I'd made SCREEN-L private after we had an error
message that looped and sent the same message out some 40 times.  By
making it private we avoided those loops.  BUT, because of the private
status, several SCREEN-L members had their posts rejected because they
were sent from a mailing address that was >slightly< different from
their official SCREEN-L address.  This had become a recurring annoyance.
Plus, making it private excluded postings from people who read SCREEN-L
in archived collections.
So, even though error loops remain a threat, it seems that, on balance,
it'd be best to open up SCREEN-L once again.  I think, in the long run,
this will make the list easier to use.
And besides, I've been keeping an eye on the error messages for the past
few months and none of them seemed to be of the looping variety.
      Gestation periods of animals (in days):
            270  Human
             19  Mouse
             31  Rabbit
            406  Bactrian camel
            645  Asian elephant
|                                      | Bitnet   :        JBUTLER@UA1VM |
| Jeremy G. Butler - - - - - - - - - - | Internet : [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator                 | GEnie    :           J.BUTLER27 |
|                                                                        |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |