Feminist Identities Conference
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:00:44 -0500
The 13th Annual National Feminist Graduate Student conference is presently
accepting proposals for our March 4-7, 1999 conference in Austin, Texas.
The conference is entitled Feminist Identities: Around the Globe and in
the Academy. This year's conference will provide a venue for an
interdisciplinary gathering of graduate students doing feminist work.
Proposals may be positioned as a feminist intervention in a given field, a
contribution to existing feminist debates, or an application of feminist
theory, research methods or praxis. We seek diverse and innovative
perspectives, voices, formats and performances that will enlarge our
understanding, challenge our assumptions, and prompt our thinking. The
conference organized by and for graduate students. Our hope is to create a
space for conversations and for the development of relationships with
similarly interested and focused students.
Currently we have organized two full days of paper presentations and two
evenings with prominent speakers, one nationally known and one local
feminist. The key note speaker will be Chandra Talpade Mohanty, associate
professor of Women's Studies at Hamilton College. At this time we have
asked Joni Jones, professor at the University of Texas, Austin and
performance artist to perform. Other planned conference events include:
grassroots activism workshops with Gen Vaughn from the Foundation for a
Compassionate Society; Lisa Sanchez from PODER; and Rachel Muir, founder
and director of Smartgrrls; and a roundtable of feminist faculty members
from local universities to discuss their negotiations of feminism in
pedagogy and in research. There will also be two afternoon screenings of
graduate students films and an art exhibit.
Proposal submissions should include:
(1) one copy of a 750-1000 word proposal
(2) a cover letter complete with:
(a) name, address, phone and e-mail;
(b) institution, department, program and year of study;
(c) audio visual requests;
(d) information about co-authors/presenters;
(e) format of contribution (paper, performance,
(f) a 50 word abstract for conference materials; and
(g) other personal needs such as child care, wheelchair access, sight
and hearing impaired concerns, or others.
We will accept proposals for individual papers and panels. Those proposing
a panel must include a proposal for each paper and a description of the panel.
Because of the size of the conference we will only be able to allow one
appearance per person and will not be able to make accommodations for time
or day of presentation.
Submissions must be received by November 1, 1998 and may be sent by e-mail
(no attachments please) to [log in to unmask], or mailed to:
Feminist Graduate Student Network
SOC #69
100-C West Dean Keeton Street
Austin, Texas 78712
Visit us at: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~femconf/
Notification of acceptance will be in January 1999.
Janet Staiger
Professor of Radio-Television-Film
CMA 6.128
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712 USA
512-471-6653 (office)
512-329-5104 (home)
512-329-5144 (home fax)
[log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.