Kiss Me Kate in 3-D
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 13:40:35 -0500
I still haven't seen _Kiss Me Kate_, and I didn't know it was shot in 3-D until I read about it in yesterday's newspaper. Is there any way to see it in 3-D? The article implied that the 3-D version is composed of different takes, based on what Ann Miller said. The article was off the AP, so I imagine someone else might have read it and can correct me. Anyone know how one can see this? I understand Turner owns it. One would think they'd release it through Rhino, which handles the TCM CDs, since they've released a number of 3-D movies on VHS and DVD, even though. I've heard complaints about the quality of 3-D in home formats, whcih I presume makes them hesitant. FWIW, a couple of years ago I went to a midnight show of House of Wax in 3-D on Hallowe'en, and kept the glasses. The 3-D didn't work especially well, and some of my friends said they couldn't even tell it was 3-D, but had to wear the glasses so the double image would be less bothersome.
On the other hand, I heard a shaven-headed tough-looking guy shout "that beat the s---t out of _Scream_" after it was over.
Scott Andrew Hutchins
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