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June 1995, Week 2


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Edmond Chibeau <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Jun 1995 15:30:52 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
Your spell checker (noble beast that it is) did not "catch" interpellate
because there is such a word.
Interpellate means to question, or address a question to, especially to
question formally and publicly, as in a courtroom or legislative process.
  (from Latin "interpellare" to interrupt in speaking)
While interpolate (from Latin "interpolare" to polish or improve by repairing)
means to alter or corrupt by inserting foreign matter.
Medieval copyists often interpolated their own opinions
into the body of the text when copying the bible.
We now often use it to speak about joining two ideas or texts
into a synthesis.
I hope there aren't too many spelling errors or typos in this.
>I had a similar problem with my Masters dissertation and the word
>"interpellated":  no one knew what it meant, and oddly enough, my spell
>chekker didn't query it except when I spelt it wrong due to sloppy typing
>(as this post will probably demonstrate!!)
>Most people were able to dissern what the word meant by the context of
>its use (likewise in my own experience with "diegetic").  For the record,
>I use interpellate to mean what the audience receives as text which is
>not necessarily what the text-manufacturer intented (rhetorical
>discourse).  All of this is working from ideas from Eagleton's *Ideology
>- an introduction*.
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