Re: 2
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:59:19 -0400
Sorry, accidentally clicked the wrong box. Let me add a few more comments
to my previous post.
--The quality of some of the images/clips was startling. There's a slim
chance that video viewers/renters will become interested in seeing films in
their proper aspect ratios (probably more than half of the clips were shown
letterboxed to one degreee or another), at least "Dr. Zhivago."
--Complaints: No information was provided except title and date. Neither
directors nor writers were identified, except in occasional guest comments.
Silent films (only two on the list: "Birth" and "Gold Rush") were not
given proper attention (this is not surprising given the general viewing
conditions for films and the role of television, but it is still an
injustice). What else should have been on the list--we all have our own
choices, but try "Shadows" and "Nashville" for starters (this itself is an
urban/university area video store marketing come-on--"The 10 (20, 30) best
American films ignored by the AFI").
Jesse Kalin, Vassar College
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