Re: No Lies
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:15:51 -0500
On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Sarah L. Higley wrote:
> Does anyone know a film (I don't have the director's name) called _No
> Lies_? From what I can gather, it's an artfilm shot like a documentary
> and all about a woman who is being stalked. Like The Blair Witch Project,
> you find out at the end that the whole thing has been fabricated, and
> there is a reference to it in Steve Mohn's NYReview on the BWP.
I might quibble with your (or is it Mohn's?) description of the
film, but this is Mitchell Block's 1972 meditation on cinema verite's
"reality as convention," although vastly overshadowed, I think, by Jim
McBride's earlier *David Holzman's Diary* in this regard. The title is
all lower case, *no lies.* It is available from Direct Cinema in VHS and
16-mm; go to the website at
There are quite a few reviews listed in *Flim Literature Index*
from 1974 onward.
William Lafferty, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Theatre Arts [log in to unmask]
Wright State University office: (937) 775-4581 or 3072
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I have been in the scholastic profession long enough to know
that nobody enters it unless he has some very good reason
which he is anxious to conceal.
--- Augustus Fagin, Esq., PhD, in
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