Screen-L/JAPANESE DOCUMENTARY FILM: The Meiji Era through Hiroshima
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 14:33:08 -0500
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Please post this to Screen-L. Also, please let me know if you'd like to
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Best wishes,
Stacy Zellmann
Direct Marketing Manager
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520
The first English-language examination of this vital cinematic tradition.
JAPANESE DOCUMENTARY FILM: The Meiji Era through Hiroshima
Abé Mark Nornes
University of Minnesota Press | 248 pages | 21 halftones, 4 figures | 2003
ISBN 0-8166-4045-9 | hardcover | $54.95
ISBN 0-8166-4046-7 | paperback | $19.95
Visible Evidence Series, volume 15
Among Asian countries‹where until recently documentary filmmaking was
largely the domain of governments‹Japan was exceptional for the vigor of its
film industry. And yet, Japanese documentary remains largely unstudied
outside of Japan. The first English-language study of the subject, this book
provides an enlightening look at the first fifty years of documentary film
theory and practice in Japan.
³Very deftly Abé Mark Nornes balances historical discourse and contextual
analysis. His readings are brilliant. This book breaks new ground in
charting the development of Japanese documentaries in the prewar and
Occupations eras. This is the first comprehensive study of this subject in
English.² ‹Keiko McDonald
For more information, visit the book's webpage:
For more information about the Visible Evidence Series, visit its webpage:
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