CFP: new forms of cinema exhibition: film consumption in the digital age
Thu, 26 May 2011 20:10:59 +0100
New Forms of Cinema Exhibition: Film Consumption in the Digital Age
A two-day symposium hosted by the University of East Anglia (School of Film and Television Studies), Cinema City (Norwich) and ECREA, Film Section
11-12 November 2011, Cinema City and UEA Campus, Norwich
Cinema exhibition faces a number of challenges in the future. For example, smaller, specialist cinemas are not only facing the practical and economic problems of responding to digitisation but also the continuing challenge of engaging audiences with cultural cinema (i.e. non-Hollywood, independent and foreign language). The symposium will bring together academics who are researching cinema exhibition and/or cinema audiences with those working within cinema industries that are looking for ways to respond to the challenges ahead. In the process, it is hoped that greater dialogue can be created so that academics have a better understanding of the current problems facing the exhibition sector and the industry has a better understanding of how to make use of the academy as a resource with vast potential.
Topics for consideration will include but are not limited to:
What does the history of developments in cinema exhibition (e.g 3D in the 1950s) and competition from home entertainment (e.g television and home video) teach us about todays developments?
Who are the current audiences?
Is there still a viable audience for cinematic exhibition of cultural cinema and, if so, how is this best articulated to policy makers and the public?
What are the arguments for seeking to engage and develop audiences?
What are the barriers to engaging and developing audiences?
How is cultural policy changing and what issues does this raise for funding?
The sector is defined in relationship to a number of terminologies that determine how it is perceived by policy makers and the public cultural cinema, art cinema, specialist cinema European cinema, alternative and/or independent cinema, etc. What are the issues associated with these terms and are there more productive alternatives?
What is the role of film education in helping to engage and develop audiences?
How has critical reception changed in the digital film culture?
How have online file sharing sites such as Youtube become important in terms of distribution and access?
The event will be made up of a range of different activities including papers, presentations, discussions and debates.
Anyone wishing to participate should contact Mark Jancovich ([log in to unmask]) and/or Anna Stubbings ([log in to unmask]) before 30 June, 2011. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 21 July, 2011.
The conference is free for those who register early (by 29 July 2011) and we are currently negotiating rates for accommodation but should be able to ensure that this will not be more than £70 per night.
To register for a place, please contact Mark Jancovich ([log in to unmask]).
Professor Mark Jancovich
Head of School
Film and Television Studies
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
Tel: 01603 592787
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite