Request for research assistance
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 19:15:07 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am a multimedia design student at the Nova Scotia College of Art &
Design. I am doing research for my thesis on the role of design in cinema
and TV. I had the pleasure of viewing Peter Greenaway's "Prospero's Books"
on video last year, and am using it as both a paradigm of design in cinema,
and a model for multimedia and interface design in my thesis.
Can you possibly assist me in my research by providing me with any
information (or leads to information) you may have regarding Peter
Greenaway, his background, and how he formed his vision of "Prospero's
Books", the art director, and any people who worked on the books fx.
Please note that I have read the IMDB* entries on "Prosperos Books" and
Peter Greenaway.
Thank you for any assistance you may be able to provide. I am interested
in submitting any information I am able to find to the relevant IMBD pages.
*IMDB=Internat'l Movie Data-Base Web site