reception of NBK
Sat, 5 Nov 1994 09:11:05 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I've translated a note from the German news. I think it shows something about
how their legal issues are different, and how they can ban pro-nazi films.
Sender: German News <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Mi, 02.11.1994 22:00 MEZ
* Oliver Stones "Natural Born Killers" darf weiter laufen
- Oliver Stones "Natural Born Killers" darf weiter laufen
Der umstrittene Kinofilm "Natural Born Killers" von Oliver Stone darf
vorerst weiter in deutschen Kinos laufen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft vertritt
die Auffassung, dass es in dem Streifen keine strafbaren
Gewaltdarstellungen gebe. Die beiden Hauptfiguren wuerden deutlich als
krankhafte Persoenlichkeiten dargestellt, so Justiz-Sprecher Kiel. Die
Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft hatte aufgeschreckt durch Presseberichte und
Hinweise aus der Bevoelkerung geprueft, ob der Film Gewalt verherrlicht
und deshalb beschlagnahmt werden muesse.
Tranlation (Edward J. Haupt)
- Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers" may continue to be shown.
The embattled film "Natural Born Killers" by Oliver Stone can continue to
be shown in German theatres. The office of the prosecutor rendered the opinion
that there was no punishable representation of violence in the film.
Both main roles were presented as sick personalities, according to Kiel,
the spokesman for the Ministry of Justice. The
Berlin prosecutors had tested in a startled way, through press reports and
determinations from the public, whether the film gloried violence and must,
therefore be siezed.
Edward J. Haupt
snail: voice: 1(201) 655-4327
Department of Psychology internet: [log in to unmask]
Montclair State University bitnet: haupt@njin
1 Normal Ave. fax: 1(201) 655-5455
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043-1624