fwd: Call For Papers: Corpulence and Fat
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 09:54:40 -0600
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler, for more information contact Kathleen LeBesco
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ANTHOLOGY: Interrogating Constructions of Corpulence and Fat
Kathleen LeBesco and Jana Evans Braziel, Editors
The editors seek submissions that explore and interrogate the
constructions of fatness surrounding these questions or related others: how
do media representations of fat people erase and asexualize them? How do
weight (gain and loss), body size in relation to health, food consumption,
and eating disorders comprise the normative discourses surrounding issues of
fatness? How are these discourses deployed in order to contain the fat body?
Exploring this terrain, the editors seek interdisciplinary approaches to
interrogations of the constructs corpulence and fat (in media, cinema,
literature, art, life) that will call into question the dominant theoretical
framing of fatness-i.e., aetiological, pathological and
critical-psychological methods of exploring a medicalized conception of
By recognizing corpulence as a medical or social problem, traditional
studies have failed to appreciate the ways in which constructions of
corpulence are historically, politically, culturally, and economically
created. This anthology also hopes to forward new trajectories for research
on corpulence: i.e., how do fat people understand and conceptualize their
corporeal experiences? How are fat women (in literature, art, television or
film) exposing their bodies, their sexuality and their desire? How do
auto-definitions of corpulence by fat women resist the normative
delimitations of social representation? The editors will consider essays
from other perspectives, though our bias will be toward analyses of the
politics and power of corpulence.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Suggested word length for extended abstracts is
750-1250 words (3-5 pages. All submissions should be double-spaced and
submitted in duplicate (photocopied manuscripts are sufficient).
First Phase-Submission of extended abstracts (3-5 pages) outlining argument
and methodology OR completed manuscript; editorial selection of papers and
proposals is provisional, i.e., all abstracts provisionally accepted are
invited to submit the completed manuscript during the Second Phase of the
`Submission Process'. Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: May 15, 1997.
Second Phase-All editorial selections during the Second Phase of the
`Submission Process' are final, contingent only upon completion of final
revisions of the manuscript. Deadline for Submission of Completed Manuscripts:
July 30, 1997.
Submissions and/or queries should be sent to Kathleen LeBesco
[[log in to unmask]], Department of Communications, Machmer 408,
University of Massachusetts or Jana Evans Braziel [[log in to unmask]],
Department of Comparative Literature, 301 South College, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003.
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