Tue, 31 May 1994 17:36:16 -0500
Many, many thanks to all (particularly Nigel) who contributed to the deluge
of suggestions re: Cinema bookshops in London. The post below is a summary
for fellow bibliophiles in their pursuit of happiness.
Meanwhile, I'm signing off for three weeks.Cheers!
Liz Schwaiger
(Asterisked ones were recommended by Nigel Curson from the University of
North London, with his comments, who also wrote that most film bookshops are
around the Charing Cross Road area).
120-122 Charing Cross Road, British Isles, WC2H 0JR
071-379 6838 071-379 7313
"mainstream bookshop with film and film theory section"
6, Silver Place
London W1R 3LJ
071- 437 8562
"movie memorabilia"
13, Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3NH
071-637 0206
"excellent specialist shop with new and second-hand books and magazines.
First port of call"
121/125 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0BZ
071-434 4291
"mainstream bookseller with surprisingly substantial film/TV/media section"
*ZWEMMER'S [a few mentioned this store but couldn't remember the name]
72-80, Charing Cross Rd, British Isles, WC2H 0BE
071-240 1559 071-240 4157
"Further down the road from Books Etc and Waterstones towards Leicester
Square, it's a shop on the left-hand side with biggish film & TV section"
*FOYLE W & G [another one suggested by several people]
119, Charing Cross Rd, British Isles, WC2H 0DT
071-437 5660
"gigantic store with a reputation for poorly-informed staff, nonetheless has
a large film & TV section"
71, New Oxford Str, British Isles, WC1A 1DG
071-836 4179
"comic-book/science fiction store with (mainly cult) film & TV material in
the basement"
Many of you also mentioned the Museum of the Moving Image (South Bank), the
National Film Theatre and the BVI Bookshop as worth a visit and a book-browse.