WRITERS GUILD - Getting an Agent
Wed, 12 Apr 1995 16:42:34 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I checked with my friend who is with the Legal Division of the Writers
Guild of America. . . she informs me that getting an agent does not help
one to gain membership into the Guild. Instead, you must work for a
"signatory company". There is a point system, governed by the type of
of writing you do for the company. My understanding is that one has
to accumulate a certain number of points before WGA membership can be
obtained. But -- the best thing would be to get information directly
from the Guild about their membership requirements. Their west coast
office and phone number are as follows:
Writers Guild of America - West
8955 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90048
Phone: (415) 550-1000
Good luck!
Robina Royer
University of San Francisco School of Law